Essential Info on the Mandatory US Customs Form 6059B for All Travelers

list icon FORM 6059B is mandatory for all travelers to the United States
list icon Mistakes can cost travelers their trip and large fines
list icon Used by US Customs to ensure no illegal goods cross the border
list icon Over 34 million visitors completed the form in 2022
list icon Applying through us takes less than 4 minutes
The US FORM 6059B is probably the most important among all traveler custom declaration forms. All traveler's to the US must complete the 6059B. Those who do not may be barred from entry or will have to pay high fines. Discover all about FORM 6059B.

Mandatory US Customs Declaration Form For All Travelers

Traveling to the United States? We understand – paperwork can be a hassle. We are frequent flyers, too. Who knows just how many forms we had to complete for Customs Declaration – but over the years, we have amassed a considerable amount of know-how on what to fill out and why.

Travelers to the United States usually panic about forms they must present before departure or at the border check – one slip and your trip may be toast. But you don’t have to worry. This website will inform you of the most important of all US Customs Declarations – CBP FORM 6059B.

Form 6059B is mandatory for all travelers to the United States, regardless of where they come from. Canadians, British, French, German, Australians, and everyone else must complete this form in order to travel to the US.

Even travelers that have previously completed the form on another trip MUST fill out a new one. A new form needs to be completed for each entry into the United States. This makes the 6059B probably the most common and the most important of all US customs declarations for travelers and an essential document that visitors must present in order to enter the country.

What is the US Customs Form 6059B?

CBP Form 6059B is used to declare goods brought into the United States by customs. It is also known as a declaration form for customs. It is required that travelers declare whether they possess certain items. These items could include food, animals, or even dirt and germs. You will need to indicate the retail value for gift items. The US citizen is entitled to an exemption up to a certain value.

This form is used both by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This form is called a Customs Declaration and will be used by anyone arriving in the United States. This will allow you to track any items brought into the country. Anyone entering the country legally must complete a customs form listing their belongings. Each arriving traveler and any responsible family member should complete the form.

The form asks about fruits, vegetables, other food items, animals, germs, disease agents, soil, and other items. You will also need to list if you have had recent contact with livestock and if you carry large amounts of currency.

This form must be completed fully to ensure that you can move through customs quickly. This helps keep everyone safe.

This form contains a warning that travelers who import merchandise into the United States in violation of intellectual property rights may be subject to criminal and civil penalties, as well as risks to their safety and health.

What is FORM 6059B used for?

CBP Declaration Form 6059B provides information to U.S. Customs and Borders Protection about who a traveler is, where they have been before the United States and what they plan to bring into the country. You can fill out one form if you’re traveling with your immediate family members. You can fill out the Customs Declaration form with your name, contact information, and passport number. It also includes space for information about countries visited before arrival, customs declarations, and flight information. The OMB control number is 1651-0009.

Applying for the US Customs Form 6059B is also not as easy as it looks. One should be comprehensive when submitting information. Click below to be guided through a step-by-step application.

Who needs to fill out the US Customs Form 6059B?

Everyone needs to fill out the form. Every traveler must fill out the form on each trip they take to the United States, regardless of age, duration of stay, etc. If you are unsure whether you should fill out other documents apart from this form, click below to discover all the necessary requirements to enter the United States.

Discover all US entry requirements

Where can I find more information on Form 6059B?

Do you still need more information regarding the US customs form before your travel? You can consult our Information Guide on FORM 6059B, updated with the latest developments on the US customs policy, so that you can be completely stress-free regarding any change in the regulations.

Our Information Guide is the ultimate information resource for travelers who are scratching their heads with the troublesome realities of bureaucracy and conflicting information regarding the form. Click below to access our guide and ensure small technicalities do not compromise your trip.

Download the Information Guide