Essential Info on the Mandatory US Customs Form 6059B for All Travelers
list icon FORM 6059B is mandatory for all travelers to the United States
list icon Mistakes can cost travelers their trip and large fines
list icon Used by US Customs to ensure no illegal goods cross the border
list icon Over 34 million visitors completed the form in 2022
list icon Applying through us takes less than 4 minutes
The US FORM 6059B is probably the most important among all traveler custom declaration forms. All traveler's to the US must complete the 6059B. Those who do not may be barred from entry or will have to pay high fines. Discover all about FORM 6059B.


Need more information on Form 6059B? Here we answer the most pressing questions regarding the US customs form. If you believe we have not answered your questions here, we encourage you to download our Information Guide and contact us for further support with the specificity of your issue.

What is US Customs Form 6059B?
If you are going to the US, you will need to file a U.S. customs petition, also known as Form 6059B. This form is usually given to you by the transport provider on the bus, sea, or flight. You can find one at the port of entry if you do not receive one. This paper can be used to inform the United States government about what you and your crew have brought to the country. It is important that you are honest about what you are transporting.

Who is Form 6059B for?
Any foreigner entering the United States must complete this form. For most visas, it must be completed at the Port of Entry. This does not apply if you arrive in the U.S. with U.S. citizens. After you have filed the U.S. Customs Form, a US CBP Officer will review it and stamp it. You will then be able to transport your goods freely to the United States.

Why is Form 6059B essential for travelers?
Anyone who travels into the United States must have a US Customs Form 6059B. It may be impossible to gain access to the articles without it. It is important that you are truthful and accurately describe the articles and the number of items. If you are having trouble filling out the form, don’t worry. One of our staff will assist you. The forms can be viewed online before you travel, or you can download our Information Guide for more information.

How to fill out the front page of form 6059B?
On the front page of Form 6059B, you will need to carefully consider the information you are submitting and be mindful of inconsistencies or errors. Specifically:
1. Family name: Enter your surname/family name/last name as in your Passport or Visa.
2. 2. First (given) name: Enter your first or last name as per your visa and passport.
3. Enter your birth date.
4. Number of family members traveling with you: Please indicate your number of family members. If no one, say zero. Say one if you are married. Add the number of children to the get total.
5. U.S. Street Address (Hotel/ Destination): Enter the US address where you plan to stay. You can put the address of your hotel if you’re staying at a hotel. You can put the address if you’re staying at a relative’s place. It will usually have a number and street name.
6. State and City: These are the cities and states you can link to your address. This will determine where you’ll be staying in the US.
7. Passport issued by: Enter the country where you are from.
8. Passport Number: Enter your passport number.
9. Country of residence: The country where you live currently.
10. This trip was made to countries other than the U.S. Arrival. You should add the names of countries you visited or stopped at during your trip. If you have just passed through the airport transit and didn’t get out, you can answer ‘none.
11. Airline / Vessel No or Flight No: Enter the Flight Name, number, or Sea vessel name.
12. You must declare that your primary purpose for this trip is business. If you’re entering the US on a Business visa, such as B1 to meet customers or attend conferences, you can check Yes and then cross-check it. You can check the box for tourism and other purposes or mark No.
13. I/ We are bringing: You will need to read and declare the contents of your package. Let’s suppose you are bringing fruit, vegetables, soil, etc. You must say yes and check the Yes column.
14. I was in close proximity to livestock: If you are from a farm and have had contact with livestock such as poultry or cattle, then this is what you should indicate. If you are from a Farm and were in close proximity to livestock, then please indicate Yes. It is best to indicate Yes here.
15. Currency – If you have more than 10,000 USD, you should check YES. It doesn’t matter if you have money in cash or credit cards. Only cash in your hand counts. You must select YES if it is not.
16. Commercial merchandise: You must say yes if you plan to sell samples or any other product.
17. Declaration of Value of Goods: You must declare the value of any items you bring as a visitor or resident. The approximate value of the items you are bringing is required. You can put zero if you don’t bring anything.

How to fill out the back page of form 6059B?
It is necessary to write down the article description and the value and then add them up for all articles brought to the US. These are additional details to answer the 15th question about the value. If you don’t know the exact value, you will need to indicate an approximate value.

Where can I find more information regarding form 6059B?
If our FAQs didn’t properly address your inquiry, we encourage you to download our Information Guide, where we discuss more in-depth the technicalities of US customs and why are they essential for travelers and border officials alike. In the Guide, we also explain the process of completing the form and presenting it to border officers with all the necessary details. If even the Information Guide doesn’t seem to be able to answer your questions, we encourage you to contact us. Our customer support team will always be ready to address your issues regarding traveling to the US and Form 6059B.